How to turn on Telegram mobile notifications

  • Telegram (js) allows you to receive AgoraDesk notifications (such as new trade, new payment, trade finalization or new chat message notifications) in the form of Telegram messages from our notification bot.
  • Telegram is a mobile messaging app. You can read more on what Telegram is in the official FAQ (js).
  • In order to activate mobile notifications you need to have Telegram installed on your device (js).

Step 1

  1. Press on this link (js) or search for 'AgoraDesk Notification Bot' in Telegram's search field and select AgoraDesk Notification Bot.
  2. After you open the chat window, press on 'Start' at the bottom of the screen or send the message '/start' (without quotes) manually.
  3. Our bot will give you your Telegram Notifications ID.
phone with telegram app search for localmonero notifiaction bot
phone with telegram app initial chat screen with localmonero notification bot phone with telegram app with initiated localmonero notification bot session

Step 2

  1. Go to your account settings and select the 'Notifications' tab.
  2. Type in your Telegram Notifications ID in the relevant field in the 'Telegram Notifications' section.
  3. Click the save icon to save your Telegram Notifications ID.
account settings with notification tab marked, showing where to input notification bot id

Step 3

That's it! Now you will receive notifications from our bot.
phone with telegram app showing notifications from localmonero notification bot

How to disable notifications?

If you want to disable notifications from our bot, navigate back to the 'Notifications' tab in your account settings and click the red 'Disable Telegram Notifications' button.
account settings page showing which button to press for telegram notifications disable

Congratulations! Now you can respond to your customers instantly!

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