
Nakita -2 m


Na-update isang beses sa isang oras



Mga kasosyo sa kalakalan:


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Nakagawa na ng account:

-2 y

Karaniwang oras ng pagtatapos ng kalakalan:

27 minuto

Hindi ka pa nakipagkalakalan sa user na ito

Personal na pagpapakilala:

Thanks for considering me. Please note that if my profile lists a longer "trade finalization time", it's not due to a slow response on my part, but because buyers are taking a long time to send, and/or they are selecting a low mining fee, which takes much longer to confirm. Also because I do some face to face trades, which can sometimes take hours to meet up locally.

I respond quickly and I finalize the trade as soon as I see one confirmation.


  • very good customer service, will deffinatly reccomend for the best rates here that isnt a bot. keep it up!!

  • It was very fast and smooth. Very good trader

  • Smooth transaction, quick response

  • Pleasant trader, good conversation while we waited for the transaction to confirm. Released the monero VERY quickly. A+

Tumingin ng higit pang feedback sa TradeWinds