Sell Monero using Transfers with specific bank: Privat24 with Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH)


4643.72 UAH


Seen last year

Trade limits:

100.00 - 2100.00 UAH


Payment window:

90 minutes

How much do you wish to sell?

Please note, the actual XMR amount of the trade may slightly differ from the currently shown amount due to price and exchange rate fluctuations.

Network transaction fees associated with settling the trade will be deducted from the trade amount, meaning you'll receive slightly less than the amount shown.

  • You have to make a trade for at least 100.00 UAH with this advertisement.

Terms of trade with Lumbreras

Оплата производится через приват на любую карту украинского банка.

  1. Отправляете запрос на сделку с указанием реквизитов.(имя, фамилия, номер банка, название банка).
  2. Я делаю перевод по указанным реквизитам.
  3. Вы проверяете ваш гривневый счет, затем освобождаете биткоины.

Обратите внимание, что продавец может попросить меня отменить сделку, если цена не устраивает (Или по другим причинам) продавца, Покупатель также может сделать то же самое. ** Комиссия за счет продавца **


Payment will be made via privat to any Ukrainian bank card number or account.

  1. Send a request for a deal with the details ( First name, Surname, Bank Number, Bank name).
  2. I make a transfer to the specified details.
  3. You check your hryvnia account, then release the bitcoins.
  4. Commission to be paid at the expense of seller

Please note that seller can ask me to cancel the trade if the price is not okay (Or for other reasons) by the seller, Buyer can also do the same. Commission at the expense of seller

Report this advertisement by opening a ticket
This trade is protected by an arbitration bond


  • Read the ad, and check the terms.
  • Propose a meeting place and contact time, if physical cash is traded.
  • Watch for fraudsters! Check the profile feedback, and take extra caution with recently created accounts.
  • Note that rounding and price fluctuations might change the final Monero amount. The Monero amount is calculated based on the trade currency amount you've entered.

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