Prodaj Monero z uporabo Druga spletna plačila: I am buying XMR in exchange 4 Timeshares ( Remote assistance ) z ameriški dolar (USD)

Ta oglas trenutno ni aktiven. Prosimo, poiščite druge ponudbe ali se vrnite pozneje.


125.62 USD


Videno pred 27 dnevi

Način plačila:

Omejitve trgovanja:

100.00 - 50000.00 USD


Plačilno okno:

90 minut
Samo za uporabnike, katerim MBK_OTC zaupa

Za ta oglas trenutno ni mogoče zahtevati trgovanja

Pogoji trgovanja z MBK_OTC

Open a trade window and specify your request.

Our D3sk will facilitate & deliver a right solution / person/s suitable for your request.

Online payment method = Timeshare (1 - xxx)

You ask yourself, what is a TIMESHARE?

Well to describe it simply, a timeshare is for example “a Skill executed in specific time” by the right person dedicating it to specific task in order to deliver the requested measurable results for the client specific order in exchange for XRM.

Examples of timeshares use cases:

  • Localizations
  • Networking
  • Remote assistance
  • Remote shopping
  • Remote control
  • Research
  • Op sec & consulting
  • Others

( for example our team will use 10 timeshares and find you a solution to a problem where you can’t afford to be present, or can’t loose your time)

Good example is a remote assistance and research with finding of a new supplier for materials to your new clothing product in Bangkok streets / China town including negotiations of prices, acquiring and shipping to your destination.

**It is up to yours imagination what can we do. ** Is your partner cheating on you? well let’s find out..

With our Timeshare we buy XMR & BTC just start your trade in Agoradesk escrow now!.

Prijavite ta oglas z odprtjem vstopnice
Ta tade je zaščiten z arbitražna obveznica


  • Preberite oglas in preverite pogoje.
  • Če se trguje z gotovino, predlagajte kraj srečanja in kontaktni čas.
  • Pazite se goljufov! Preverite povratne informacije profila in bodite še posebej previdni pri nedavno ustvarjenih računih.
  • Upoštevajte, da lahko zaokroževanje in nihanje cen spremenijo končni znesek Monero. Znesek Monero se izračuna na podlagi vnešenega zneska trgovalne valute.

Ponudbe s tem oglasom

Niste našli ponudbe, ki ste jo iskali? Ti seznami AgoraDesk imajo več Monero trgovalnih poslov, podobnih temu:

Prodaja Monero za USD

Prodaj Monero v Tajska

Prodaja Monero z Druga spletna plačila

Prodaj Monero v Tajska z Druga spletna plačila