AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes after November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Pārdod Monero, izmantojot Skaidra nauda pa pastu: Cash by mail ar Lielbritānijas mārciņa (GBP)


157.35 GBP


Redzēts pirms 4 mēnešiem

Apmaksas veids:

Tirdzniecības limiti:

2000.00 - 1000000.00 GBP

Atrašanās vieta:

Maksājumu logs:

90 minūtes

Tirdzniecības noteikumi ar Chicks

**Repeat customers get FREE Express, and Priority!

If you do not specify a shipping preference, all parcels will be sent Express. For your protection and in case of dispute, the video of me packing the envelope will serve as proof of how much cash I sent. Packages are shipped from the US or Canada, at our discretion of destination address and availability. If you have a specific preference, please let us know and we will try to accommodate your request.

If you do not specify a shipping preference, all parcels will be sent Express. For your protection and in case of dispute, the video of me packing the envelope will serve as proof of how much cash I sent.

---- DISCREET ---- We safely and discreetly package cash in letter-size envelopes so that there are no issues along the way and no one knows what you are receiving. We do not over-stuff packages. If you prefer an envelope sized package that can fit in most boxes please ask!

---- SIGNATURE ---- Please request if you would like signature, if you do not request this it could go out with or without signature.

---- TIMEFRAME ---- -Overnight. Shipping next morning guaranteed with insurance and tracking. $40 -Priority. Within 2 business days, with tracking and some insurance. $35 -Express. Within 3 business days, with tracking and some insurance. $25 -Regular mail envelope. 3-5 business days, no tracking, no insurance. Free

---- NO COINS ---- Shipments will be rounded down to nearest $5 increment.

By opening this trade you agree to take responsibility for mail-in transit.

**Join our discord server for a faster response and a more personable experience

**Please also check out my other ads for other convenient methods!

Ziņo par šo sludinājumu, atverot biļeti
Šo darījumu aizsargā šķīrējtiesas obligācija


  • Izlasiet sludinājumu un pārbaudiet noteikumus.
  • Piedāvājiet tikšanās vietu un kontaktēšanās laiku, ja tiek tirgota fiziska nauda.
  • Uzmanieties no krāpniekiem! Pārbaudiet atsauksmes par profilu un rīkojieties īpaši piesardzīgi ar nesen izveidotajiem kontiem.
  • Ņemiet vērā, ka noapaļošana un cenu svārstības var mainīt galīgo Monero summu. Summa Monero tiek aprēķināta, pamatojoties uz jūsu ievadīto tirdzniecības valūtas summu.

Saraksti ar šo sludinājumu

Vai neatradāt meklēto piedāvājumu? Šajos AgoraDesk sarakstos ir vairāk Monero tirdzniecības piedāvājumu, kas ir līdzīgi šim:

Pārdot Monero par GBP

Pārdot Monero Lielbritānija

Pārdot Monero ar Skaidra nauda pa pastu

Pārdot Monero Lielbritānija ar Skaidra nauda pa pastu