Ku iibi Monero adoo isticmaalaya Lacag caddaan ah boostada: Cash by mail for XMR. Full Escrow USPS Express oo wata Doolarka Mareeykanka (USD)

Xayeysiiskani hadda ma shaqeeyo Fadlan raadi dalabyo kale ama soo noqo mar dambe.


111.97 USD


La arkay -7 h

habka lacag bixinta:

Xadka ganacsiga:

1030 - 5030 USD


Daaqadda lacag bixinta:

90 daqiiqado

Ma codsan karo ganacsi xayaysiiskan wakhtiga

Shuruudaha ganacsiga ee shenyun

Sell XMR with Cash by Mail

After opening a trade, send the address where you would like me to mail the cash. United States only. New York State addresses cannot be accepted due to BitLicense regulations. If you wish to encrypt your mailing address for privacy, my PGP public key is on my profile.

$30 will be deducted from the requested trade amount in order to cover the costs of Priority Mail Express. I will send only $20, $50, or $100 bills. The cash will be discreetly packaged in multiple layers of packaging. I will record a video of myself loading and sealing the cash into your envelope prior to mailing.

Cutoff time is 12 PM PT. Any trades received before noon PT will go out the same day, otherwise they will go out the next day. Weekend trades will go out Monday. All orders ship from the United States.

I will provide tracking information once your package is sent. If you need me to encrypt the tracking information, please provide your PGP public key.

Please double check your mailing address for accuracy, as I cannot be held responsible for any address errors. By default, I will require a signature for the package unless you waive that requirement in writing on trade chat.

Please collect and release your order within 24 hours of delivery.

By opening this trade you agree to all of these policies and acknowledge the risks of Cash By Mail trades, and acknowledge that my responsibility ends once I have hand delivered your package to USPS for scanning and provided tracking information.

Ka warbixi xayaysiiskan adigoo furaya tigidh
Ganacsigan waxaa ilaaliya dammaanad garqaadid


  • Akhri xayeysiiska, oo hubi shuruudaha.
  • Soo jeedi goobta kulanka iyo wakhtiga xidhiidhka, haddii lacag caddaan ah la kala iibsado.
  • Iska ilaali kuwa wax khiyaanada sameeya! Hubi ra'yi-celinta profile-ka, oo ka taxaddar xisaabaadka dhawaan la sameeyay.
  • Ogsoonow in wareega iyo isbedbedelka qiimaha ay bedeli karaan qaddarka Monero ugu dambeeya. Qadarka Monero waxa lagu xisaabiyaa iyadoo lagu salaynayo lacagta ganacsiga ee aad gashay.

Liiska xayaysiiskan

Miyaadan helin heshiiskii aad raadinaysay? Liisaskan AgoraDesk waxay leeyihiin heshiisyo ganacsi oo badan Monero oo la mid ah kan:

U iibi Monero USD

Ku iibi Monero gudaha Maraykanka

Ku iibi Monero Lacag caddaan ah boostada

Ku iibi Monero gudaha Maraykanka oo wata Lacag caddaan ah boostada