Prodaj Monero z uporabo Druga spletna plačila: XMR-Silver 1oz rounds -34% z srebro (XAG)


3.12 XAG


Videno pred 3 meseci

Način plačila:

Omejitve trgovanja:

2.00 - 100.00 XAG

Plačilno okno:

90 minut

Koliko želite prodaja?

Upoštevajte, da se lahko dejanski znesek XMR trejda nekoliko razlikuje od trenutno prikazanega zneska zaradi nihanj cene in menjalnega tečaja.

Provizije za omrežne transakcije, povezane s poravnavo posla, bodo odštete od zneska posla, kar pomeni, da boste prejeli nekoliko manj od prikazanega zneska.

  • S tem oglasom morate skleniti trgovanje za vsaj 2.00 XAG .

Pogoji trgovanja z opticbit

If you have feedback on /r/pms4sale send verification message on reddit (@opticbit) for access to the better offers that are here.

See profile page and expand personal introduction for general info on all trades.
Shortened all trade info below.

Pacific Time (GMT-8)
Available M-F 8a-6p
Extended hrs 6a-11p.

No Recent site activity? Alert me I'll be back soon.

Low trade limit? Check if i can refill.

Price Non-Negotiable
Limit Non-Negotiable

$2,000 USD Fiat/person/day max.
Metal/Crypto limited on availability.
Don't get creative.

Money you send was obtained legally,
Money you receive will be used legally.

NO third parties, No Brokering.

Only start an escrowed trade if you are ready to pay
no canceling to start a new trade after the price changes.
open a trade for minimum size if you have questions. or email/other.

Price Float/Lock change must be requested in 1st HR.
Escrowed Trades are normally locked. Direct normally floating.

Use advertised payment option ONLY.

Exchange rates will vary.
be sure to buy extra if you will be using coins for a purchase

Methods available:

I buy/sell Crypto for: Alt-coins
Las Vegas In Person Cash By Mail Gold, Silver.

I Buy Crypto
Cash/Money Order Gift cards,

I only Buy gift cards with cash at a store.
I don't accept them. Do NOT ask.
Shredded 24hrs-7days after release. NO iTunes

Amount calculated by the site is the amount to be used. I change % to balance supply/demand for Cash/Crypto.
The % is In the banner for convenience, Normal target is in the offer for reference.
There is NO fee. It is a price above or below spot.

Not your keys Not Your Coins.
3-2-1 backup your key.
Check first and last characters of wallet
Verify reputable trader and escrow contact.

Impersonators On Multiple Platforms.
Verify a Link in BOTH directions.

No trades from New York State

Sometimes I travel to California, AZ, UT. or Portland, ME (Holidays)

Learn pgp.
Desktop PGP: a public key means nothing if its not used to sign/verify.

Verified Social Media/Reputation:

Dumb Phone: I rarely answer
updated in my profile sometimes monthly.


Prijavite ta oglas z odprtjem vstopnice
Ta tade je zaščiten z arbitražna obveznica


  • Preberite oglas in preverite pogoje.
  • Če se trguje z gotovino, predlagajte kraj srečanja in kontaktni čas.
  • Pazite se goljufov! Preverite povratne informacije profila in bodite še posebej previdni pri nedavno ustvarjenih računih.
  • Upoštevajte, da lahko zaokroževanje in nihanje cen spremenijo končni znesek Monero. Znesek Monero se izračuna na podlagi vnešenega zneska trgovalne valute.

Ponudbe s tem oglasom

Niste našli ponudbe, ki ste jo iskali? Ti seznami AgoraDesk imajo več Monero trgovalnih poslov, podobnih temu:

Prodaja Monero za XAG

Prodaj Monero v Združene države Amerike

Prodaja Monero z Druga spletna plačila

Prodaj Monero v Združene države Amerike z Druga spletna plačila