AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
Prodaj Monero z uporabo Gotovina (dernar) po pošti: 🔥PRO TRADER🔥INSURED🔥NO ID🔥SECURE🔥ANONYMOUS🔥BEST RATES🔥NDD z britanski funt (GBP)
112.38 GBP
Način plačila:
Omejitve trgovanja:
Plačilno okno:
Pogoji trgovanja z slacker111
Notice!!! - Due to website closing you can contact on the following telegram: @real_slacker111
This trade is to sell monero via cash in the mail.
Please follow the following steps to continue with your sale.
- Open trade for the desired amount of cash.
- You fund escrow.
- I will Post the cash in a padded envelope.
- I will then mark the payment as "Complete" on the trade.
- You will usually receive the cash the next working day.
- Once you have received payment you release the coins.
Seller takes all responsibility for lost or stolen parcel. Postage can be insured up to £2500, so you will be covered if parcel gets lost or stolen.
Ta tade je zaščiten z arbitražna obveznica
- Preberite oglas in preverite pogoje.
- Če se trguje z gotovino, predlagajte kraj srečanja in kontaktni čas.
- Pazite se goljufov! Preverite povratne informacije profila in bodite še posebej previdni pri nedavno ustvarjenih računih.
- Upoštevajte, da lahko zaokroževanje in nihanje cen spremenijo končni znesek Monero. Znesek Monero se izračuna na podlagi vnešenega zneska trgovalne valute.
Ponudbe s tem oglasom
Niste našli ponudbe, ki ste jo iskali? Ti seznami AgoraDesk imajo več Monero trgovalnih poslov, podobnih temu:
Prodaj Monero v Združeno kraljestvo
Prodaja Monero z Gotovina (dernar) po pošti
Prodaj Monero v Združeno kraljestvo z Gotovina (dernar) po pošti