AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
: Cajero automático **BBVA / Banregio / Bancopel使用墨西哥比索 (MXN)使用自動櫃員機現金出售門羅幣
Sería en la siguiente combinación:
Cajero automático **BBVA / Banregio / Bancopel
Pasos: -Enviaré los códigos a través del chat -Luego puedes retirar el dinero -Usted libera
Cuida tus monedas , si no eres quien hace el retiro, no me hago responsable por el mal manejo de los códigos y contraseñas que se brindan en privado, toda comunicación será a través del chat
It would be in the following combination:
ATM **Banorte $8,000 - BBVA $9,000 **
Steps: -I will send the codes through the chat -Then you can withdrawn the money -You release
Take care of your currency , if you are not the one who makes the withdrawal, I am not responsible for the mishandling of the codes and passwords that are provided privately, all communication will be through
- 閱讀交易廣告及其中的條款。
- 如果現場做現金交易,請提議一個見面的地點以及時間。
- 當心騙子!檢查該用戶收到的評價,並對新近創建的賬戶多加留意。
- 請注意,四舍五入和價格的波動可能會影響最終成交的門羅幣數額。您輸入的固定數額決定最后數額,門羅幣金額將在請求發布的同一時間由即時的匯率算出。