AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes after November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Predajte Bitcoin pomocou SEPA (EÚ) bankový prevod: ⚡SEPA or 📲 MBWay 📲 s euro (EUR)


79518.64 EUR


Videné pred 4 mesiacmi

Obchodné limity:

50.00 - akúkoľvek sumu EUR

Platobné okno:

90 minút

Obchodné podmienky s MalMen


Sadly LocalMonero is closing in few days, if you still want to trade with us after that you can message us directly on the follow contacts:




In our first trade I will ask you to verify your identity. Please provide your:

  • In order to verify identity I will ask you for:

    • Name
    • Email or Phone number
  • I will provide an identity verification link that will require your selfie and ID or Passport

After your identity is verified I will give you the details to proceed with the transaction.

  • The bank transaction usually arrives on the next working day
  • After I receive the transfer I will release your transaction here on AgoraDesk/LocalMonero

** No third-pary transactions**

  • This means that you have to make the transfer from your own bank account

** Price is kept once you mark the transaction as paid **

  • Once you mark the transaction as paid you are agreeing to pay the current price, if you cancel it with no reason we will cease to trade with you

note: the bank account associated with this Ad charges 16€ if you attempt to use instant sepa and we will pass that cost to you, if you wish to use instant sepa use the propper Ad:

If you have any question open a trade and feel free to ask

Nahláste tento inzerát otvorením tiketu
Tento obchod je chránený arbitrážny dlhopis


  • Prečítajte si inzerát a skontrolujte podmienky.
  • Navrhnite miesto stretnutia a kontaktný čas, ak sa obchoduje s fyzickou hotovosťou.
  • Pozor na podvodníkov! Skontrolujte spätnú väzbu k profilu a pri nedávno vytvorených účtoch buďte obzvlášť opatrní.
  • Upozorňujeme, že zaokrúhľovanie a kolísanie cien môže zmeniť konečnú sumu Bitcoin. Suma Bitcoin sa vypočíta na základe sumy obchodnej meny, ktorú ste zadali.

Záznamy s touto reklamou

Nenašli ste ponuku, ktorú ste hľadali? Tieto zoznamy AgoraDesk majú viac Bitcoin obchodných ponúk podobných tejto:

Predám Bitcoin za EUR

Predám Bitcoin za Portugalsko

Predávajte Bitcoin s SEPA (EÚ) bankový prevod

Predávajte Bitcoin za Portugalsko s SEPA (EÚ) bankový prevod