AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes on November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. On November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

비트코인을 Paypal: PayPal (G&S) (Not Liable for Network Fee)을 통해 미국 달러 (USD)로 판매


62122.30 USD


마지막 접속 23일 전

결제 수단:

주의: 이 결제수단은 나중에 취소가 가능해서 사기꾼들이 자주 사용하기 때문에 위험도가 높습니다.
위험이 높은 결제수단은 무엇인가요?


최대 65.00 USD




Adv3ntur0us의 거래 약관

By clicking, “Open Trade Request” You the “Buyer” or “User”, agrees to the term stated below. Breaking, or violating the terms will result in a dispute, and your account may be warned or permanently banned.

  1. Cryptocurrency or other stocks, bonds, etc are risky investments as the market is very volatile. I nor the website endorse investing in it, as we do not give financial advice.

  2. You, the user are the legal minimum age to invest or buy cryptocurrency depending on country, state, or county.

  3. Any form of payment reversal after finalizing the trade is strictly prohibited, as it will result in the account being permanently banned, suspended, or warned.

  4. We do not store, use, or sell any of your information to third-party use, and will not collect any form of identity verification or known as KYC. KYC will never be mandatory unless the payment method explicitly states the required use of KYC verification such as a Driver's License, or any other form of Identification document.

  5. Any form of trade, payment method, receiving address, or any messages must be completed inside the designated website where you have opened the trade. Questions can be sent via third-party messengers such as Telegram or Whatsapp. If you trade outside of the designated website, it might result in a loss of coins or payment. And we will not be responsible.

  6. By selling cryptocurrency, you are legally required to file the cryptocurrency as bought/sold, as we are not tax advisors, you will have to consult with your tax or financial advisor*** for further information.

  7. Terms can be changed or edited throughout the future, so you have to pay attention to any changes and comply with them.

  8. Stay safe, and vigilant against scammers, fraud, or any form of mischievous or rule-breaking activity.

  9. Note - These websites are not regulated by your country’s regulators so if the website shuts down, or the funds get stolen. It is not possible to be retrieved. (Regulators can be the FDIC or the FED for the US)

  10. You will have to read and agree to the terms of condition from your payment method as it might contain informative information.

  11. Certain Payment method have fees or holds implemented via sending/receiving*. You, the buyer/seller will be responsible for all of the fees in this trade.

  12. Only (Not Limited To) Cash App Payments will require a Web Receipt** when sending and should be sent as soon as the payment is sent. This is to ensure the payment isn't fraud

  13. For Gift Card Orders, I resell them on websites like and will require you to NOT Redeem the card, and wait for the time it is sold, and such. This will make sure I receive genuine Gift Cards and if it was already redeemed, you forfeit the right to receive a refund without enough evidence to back up your claims.

  14. For Gift Card Orders, certain gift cards might require it to be redeemed in person at a store or such. If that happens, I retain the right to dispute & cancel trade, unless you can prove I already used the gift card.

  • Payments such as PayPal Goods & Service ** Cash App Web Receipt indicates whether it was sent from a Debit/Credit Card or Cash Balance *** Taxes for Cryptocurrency
티켓을 사용하여 거래 신고
이 거래는 중재 채권으로 보호됩니다.

  • 계약을 읽고 약관을 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다.
  • 현금거래가 포함되었을 경우 만날 장소 및 시간을 설정하셔야 합니다.
  • 사기방지를 위해 항상 후기를 확인하시고 갓 만들어진 계정을 주의하시기 바랍니다.
  • 반올림 및 가격변동에 의하여 비트코인의 최종거래량이 다를 수 있습니다. 비트코인 거래량은 입력하신 화폐에 따라 다를 수 있습니다.

이 계약과 포함된 목록

찾고 있는 거래가 없으십니까? AgoraDesk에 비슷한 비트코인 거래가 있습니다:

Bitcoin를 USD로 판매

미국에서 Bitcoin 판매

Bitcoin를 Paypal로 판매

미국에서 Bitcoin를 Paypal로 판매