AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- On November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
Ta trgovalec je na dopustu ali pa nima na voljo Monero. Preverite znova pozneje ali poiščite druge ponudbe.
Nakup Monero z Druga spletna plačila: Cardless Cash z avstralski dolar (AUD)
274.43 AUD
Način plačila:
Omejitve trgovanja:
Pogoji trgovanja z Mrcoins
Under new Austrac regulations that were bought in on 3rd April this year, to comply with new aml/kyc regulations, we must verify everyones id when they are buying coins.
When you start a trade please type into the chatbox
mobile number email address And If we have already verified your identity since 3rd April 2018. Trade cannot be started if you a using VPN/TOR services. Maximum transfer $500 per trade Cardless Cash Available From WBC, StG, CBA Only I will then send you a trade form, which will have all the full terms of trade for your particular trade, including payment details, uploading payment proof, verifying your identity and marking trade as paid. Simply go through the Trade agreement step by step and return it to me and I will release coins immediately.
An invoice will be sent after every trade for your records.
If I am suspicious or dubious about any trade I may ask for more information. If these steps aren't adhered to or I feel that I am being scammed in any way I reserve the right to cancel
Ta tade je zaščiten z arbitražna obveznica
- Preberite oglas in preverite pogoje.
- Če se trguje z gotovino, predlagajte kraj srečanja in kontaktni čas.
- Pazite se goljufov! Preverite povratne informacije profila in bodite še posebej previdni pri nedavno ustvarjenih računih.
- Upoštevajte, da lahko zaokroževanje in nihanje cen spremenijo končni znesek Monero. Znesek Monero se izračuna na podlagi vnešenega zneska trgovalne valute.
Ponudbe s tem oglasom
Niste našli ponudbe, ki ste jo iskali? Ti seznami AgoraDesk imajo več Monero trgovalnih poslov, podobnih temu: