Iibso Monero adoo isticmaalaya wareejinta bangiga qaranka: Established & Trusted Seller | Fast & Secure | Online Now oo wata Bowndka Biritishka (GBP)


106.09 GBP


La arkay -8 m

habka lacag bixinta:

Xadka ganacsiga:

5.00 - 26.35 GBP

Intee in le'eg ayaad jeceshahay iibso?

Fadlan ogow, lacagta dhabta ah ee XMR ee ganacsiga ayaa laga yaabaa inay ka duwanaato qadarka hadda la muujiyay sababtoo ah qiimaha iyo isbedbedelka sarrifka.

Kharashaadka wax kala iibsiga shabakada ee la xidhiidha dejinta ganacsiga waxa laga jarayaa lacagta ganacsiga, taasoo la macno ah in aad heli doonto wax ka yar inta la caddeeyey.

  • Waa inaad ganacsi ku samaysaa ugu yaraan 5.00 GBP xayaysiiskan.
  • Ganacsadahani wuxuu u oggolaanayaa ugu badnaan 3 XMR ganacsigii ugu horreeyay isaga.

Shuruudaha ganacsiga ee Kevlar

Buy XMR - UK Bank Transfer (Faster Payments)

When the trade begins please give me a few moments to respond.

Sometimes the chat doesn't automatically refresh. If you've been waiting a while for a response, please refresh the page.

The process for our first trade:

For our first trade only, and to prevent fraud, I will require a photo of you holding your ID (Passport or UK Drivers License) and a small note on paper with the following statement on it:- "I (username) am buying £XX.XX of XMR on DD/MM/YYYY.".

Please make sure your ID and note are clear and readable and that your whole face is visible.

You can attach the image to the chat. I will only ever need to use it in the event of a fraudulent charge back. The website delete all chat messages after 180 days though I may retain chat transcripts and file attachments after 180 days so that I don't need to ask for ID again. If you'd prefer me not to do that then just let me know and I won't take a copy.

After you've sent that image I will provide payment details. Please make sure you're paying with a bank account in the name that is on the ID you provided and that it supports faster payments. I will return funds from anybody elses account and the trade will have to be cancelled.

Your XMR will be released as soon as I have received the payment which should be instant. Though banks state that it can take up to 2 hours. Please be patient if this is the case and remember, your XMR will be sitting in escrow and will be completely safe.

How Escrow works

Escrow is a great system that protects both buyer and seller. Think of it as a holding ground between you and me that holds the XMR.

As soon as a trade is started the XMR is taken from me (the seller) and placed into escrow. When you (the buyer) have sent payment and I confirm receipt of it, I can release the XMR to you immediately.

In the unfortunate event where there is a dispute, then as long as you can prove you have paid the correct amount, to the correct bank account, the website staff can release the XMR to you.

Likewise if a buyer fails to make payment after a certain amount of time, the XMR can be released back to me, the seller.

Ka warbixi xayaysiiskan adigoo furaya tigidh
Ganacsigan waxaa ilaaliya dammaanad garqaadid


  • Akhri xayeysiiska, oo hubi shuruudaha.
  • Soo jeedi goobta kulanka iyo wakhtiga xidhiidhka, haddii lacag caddaan ah la kala iibsado.
  • Iska ilaali kuwa wax khiyaanada sameeya! Hubi ra'yi-celinta profile-ka, oo ka taxaddar xisaabaadka dhawaan la sameeyay.
  • Ogsoonow in wareega iyo isbedbedelka qiimaha ay bedeli karaan qaddarka Monero ugu dambeeya. Qadarka Monero waxa lagu xisaabiyaa iyadoo lagu salaynayo lacagta ganacsiga ee aad gashay.

Liiska xayaysiiskan

Miyaadan helin heshiiskii aad raadinaysay? Liisaskan AgoraDesk waxay leeyihiin heshiisyo ganacsi oo badan Monero oo la mid ah kan:

Ku iibso Monero GBP

Ku iibso Monero gudaha United Kingdom

Ku iibso Monero wareejinta bangiga qaranka

Ku iibso Monero gudaha United Kingdom oo wata wareejinta bangiga qaranka