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Beli Monero menggunakan Transfer bank nasional: Instant & Secure TradingⓂ️ dengan Pound Inggris (GBP)

Iklan ini sedang tidak aktif. Harap cari penawaran lain atau kembali lagi nanti.


110.07 GBP


Terlihat 3 bulan yang lalu

Metode pembayaran:

Limit perdagangan:

150.00 - 600.00 GBP

Tidak dapat meminta perdagangan untuk iklan ini pada saat ini

Ketentuan perdagangan dengan tomhardy91

Buy XMR for GBP

The process for our first trade:

For our first trade (but no subsequent trades) I will required an ID verification. This is to protect both me as a seller and genuine buyers of Monero.

I will require a photo of yourself holding a valid form of ID along with a handwritten note stating: "I (username) and buying (amount of XMR) for £xxx.xx on DD/MM/YY" Please ensure:

  • Your whole face is visible
  • The text on the ID is readable

You may find it easier to send 2 separate pictures, one of you and the note and one of the ID.

Once I receive the relevant Picture I will provide you with payment and reference details.

I do not require your ID for subsequent trades after our first trade.

Please keep all communication within the trade chat and you can be certain that your info will be secure and deleted after 180 days. All pictures will be watermarked by LocalMonero and deleted after 180 days.

Sometimes the chat doesn't automatically refresh. If you've been waiting a while for a response just give the page a refresh. I may take a few minutes to respond once you've opened the trade

By agreeing to trade you are confirming the following statements:

  • You are the owner of any bank accounts you are making payments from or receiving payments to.
  • You are the owner of any monero settlement wallet (it is not an exchange or web-based wallet).
  • Any funds used to purchase XMR are gained through legitimate means i.e investments, salary, gifts or inheritance.
  • You are buying for your own interests and have not been instructed to buy or sell by any other party.
  • You certify that you are using legally obtained XMR/fiat and there is no legal reason why this trade should not take place

How Escrow works

In any situation where there is uncertainty over a transaction between both parties, escrow serves as a necessary mediator and holding ground for the funds or assets involved in that transaction.

Once a trade is open the XMR is put in secure holding called escrow - once payment obligations are met, the XMR is then released to the buyer, likewise if they are not met then Escrow would release it back to the sellers.

It protects the buyer from fraudulent sellers. In the unfortunate event where there is a dispute, then as long as you can prove you have paid the correct amount, to the correct bank account, the staff can release the XMR to you.

Thankyou for your time and trade, we hope to see you again!
Laporkan iklan ini dengan membuka tiket
Perdagangan ini dilindungi oleh jaminan arbitrase


  • Baca iklannya, dan periksa ketentuannya.
  • Usulkan tempat pertemuan dan waktu kontak, jika uang fisik diperdagangkan.
  • Hati-hati terhadap penipu! Periksa umpan balik profil, dan berhati-hatilah dengan akun yang baru dibuat.
  • Perhatikan bahwa pembulatan dan fluktuasi harga dapat mengubah jumlah akhir Monero. Jumlah Monero dihitung berdasarkan jumlah mata uang perdagangan yang Anda masukkan.

Daftar dengan iklan ini

Tidak menemukan penawaran yang Anda cari? Daftar AgoraDesk ini memiliki lebih banyak penawaran perdagangan Monero yang serupa dengan yang ini:

Beli Monero dengan GBP

Beli Monero di Inggris Raya

Beli Monero dengan Transfer bank nasional

Beli Monero di Inggris Raya dengan Transfer bank nasional