Comprar Monero usando Transferencia bancaria nacional: UK Bank transfer - NO ID - Fast release con libra británica (GBP)

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105.46 GBP


Visto hace 3 meses

Límites de transacción:

50.00 - 80.00 GBP


Para usuarios confiables solo por tomhardy91

En estos momentos no puede solicitar una transacción para este anuncio

Términos de intercambio con tomhardy91

XMR for GBP, no ID check. I will post bank details into chat. You must have 5+ positive feedbacks for trade risk protection, otherwise I will cancel the trade.

Please also tell me the account name and bank that the transfer will come from - if the name given and the transfer doesn’t match I will contact my bank and get the money refunded and have the trade cancelled.

Once we are both happy I will pass over the bank details for the transfer.

By agreeing to trade you are confirming the following statements:

  • You are the owner of any bank accounts you are making payments from or receiving payments to.
  • You are the owner of any monero settlement wallet (it is not an exchange or web-based wallet).
  • Any funds used to purchase XMR are gained through legitimate means i.e investments, salary, gifts or inheritance.
  • You are buying for your own interests and have not been instructed to buy or sell by any other party.
  • You certify that you are using legally obtained XMR/fiat and there is no legal reason why this trade should not take place.
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Este comercio está protegido por una fianza de arbitraje


  • Lea el anuncio, y revise los términos.
  • Proponga un lugar y momento de encuentro, si se comercia con dinero físico.
  • ¡Cuidado con los estafadores! Revise el feedback del perfil, y tome precauciones extras con cuentas recién creadas.
  • Tenga en cuenta que el redondeo y las fluctuaciones de precio pueden cambiar la cantidad final de Monero. La cantidad de Monero se calcula en función de la cantidad de moneda comercial que ha ingresado.

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