AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
Tento obchodník je na dovolenke alebo nedostupný Monero. Skúste to neskôr alebo vyhľadajte iné ponuky.
Kúpte Monero pomocou kryptomena: add TG @XeroManceR for future trade Buy/Sell Crypto/ Fiat s Dash (DASH)
8.05893120 DASH
Spôsob platby:
Obchodné limity:
Obchodné podmienky s XeroManceR
This advertisement is exclusively for cryptocurrency-to-cryptocurrency trades.
Please initiate the transaction and specify the desired cryptocurrency and network.
The buyer bears the responsibility for blockchain fees and transaction charges.
For XRP or XLM transactions, wait for me to provide the address and tag/memo. My wallet requires a correct tag, and I cannot be held responsible for any fund loss due to an incorrect tag/memo.
Please ensure to send the transaction with a priority fee to expedite the transfer of funds.
If the transaction doesn't get confirmed after a week since the transaction was initiated, the buyer agrees to cancel the trade, even if you have already sent the funds. Any funds already sent will not be refunded.
In the event of an incorrect amount sent, you must cancel the trade and initiate a new trade with the correct amount. I only accept a new trade with the accurate amount to rectify the transaction.
Please provide the TxID (Transaction ID) to me.
I will finalize the trade after 1 confirmation.
Every time ask for the address. Don't send the fund to an address of the previous trade. Otherwise, you will lose your money.
Please pay within one hour after I provide the address; otherwise, the trade will be considered invalid and should be canceled.
I reserve the right to refuse any refunds unless the fault lies with me.
The buyer is responsible for the transaction fees in case of refund.
In case of price disagreement, I use the price on
By initiating a trade with me, you acknowledge and accept all the terms mentioned above.
Tento obchod je chránený arbitrážny dlhopis
- Prečítajte si inzerát a skontrolujte podmienky.
- Navrhnite miesto stretnutia a kontaktný čas, ak sa obchoduje s fyzickou hotovosťou.
- Pozor na podvodníkov! Skontrolujte spätnú väzbu k profilu a pri nedávno vytvorených účtoch buďte obzvlášť opatrní.
- Upozorňujeme, že zaokrúhľovanie a kolísanie cien môže zmeniť konečnú sumu Monero. Suma Monero sa vypočíta na základe sumy obchodnej meny, ktorú ste zadali.
Záznamy s touto reklamou
Nenašli ste ponuku, ktorú ste hľadali? Tieto zoznamy AgoraDesk majú viac Monero obchodných ponúk podobných tejto: