AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes after November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Nunua Monero ukitumia Amana ya fedha: Coupons PCS Mastercard anonymous with cash (payables en espèces) kwa Yuro (EUR)


247.03 EUR


Imeonekana siku 7 zilizopita

Njia ya malipo:

Mipaka ya biashara:

18 - 0.00 EUR

Masharti ya biashara na Dax

English :

New traders are welcome. In some countries you can buy PCS coupons for cash so totally anonymously, but vouchers can be bought online with less anonymity (like on

  1. Buy a PCS coupon from 50 to 250€,
  2. open a trade here and write the recharge code,
  3. if it works fine, your Monero are released (else a dispute will be opened, I film everything).

The suggested amount are coupons without the PCS fees. For example, to choose the amount 93€ you need a 100€ code because 7% of fees, see for details. One coupon per trade and no 20€ code please.


  1. Vous pouvez acheter des coupons de recharge PCS de 50 à 250€ en bureaux de tabac anonymement ou aussi sur Internet (comme sur,
  2. vous ouvrez une vente ici et écrivez le code, les Monero sont bloqués,
  3. si le code marche bien, vos Monero sont libérés (sinon un litige sera ouvert).

Les prix proposées correspondent aux prix hors frais PCS sur les coupons de 50, 100, 150, 200 et 250€. Par exemple pour choisir le montant 93€ vous devez avoir acheté un coupon de 100€. Voir pour le détail des frais. Un coupon par transaction et pas de codes de 20€ svp.

Ripoti tangazo hili kwa kufungua tikiti
Biashara hii inalindwa na dhamana ya usuluhishi


  • Soma tangazo, na uangalie masharti.
  • Pendekeza mahali pa kukutana na wakati wa kuwasiliana, ikiwa pesa taslimu zinauzwa.
  • Tazama wadanganyifu! Angalia maoni ya wasifu, na uchukue tahadhari zaidi na akaunti zilizoundwa hivi majuzi.
  • Kumbuka kwamba mabadiliko ya mzunguko na bei yanaweza kubadilisha kiasi cha mwisho cha Monero. Kiasi cha Monero kinakokotolewa kulingana na kiasi cha sarafu ya biashara ulichoweka.

Orodha na tangazo hili

Je, hukupata mpango uliokuwa ukitafuta? Orodha hizi za AgoraDesk zina mikataba zaidi ya Monero ya kibiashara sawa na hii:

Nunua Monero kwa EUR

Nunua Monero kwa Ufaransa

Nunua Monero kwa Amana ya fedha

Nunua Monero kwa Ufaransa kwa Amana ya fedha