该交易者正在休假或者没有可用的门罗币。 请稍后再回来或查看其他交易广告。

: 🩺 Price floats @ market +1.99% 🛡️ XMR PRICE DIP PROTECTION使用美元 (USD)使用邮寄现金购买门罗币

此广告当前未处于活动状态。 请查找其他广告或稍后再回来。


128.93 USD


在线 2个月前



490.00 - 1000.00 USD





  1. Open a trade for an even dollar amount (no coins) and message me with when you'll mail payment.

  2. I'll message you back my mailing address. Please be patient! I check here many times a day but am human and sometimes sleep, work, etc.

  3. You mail me concealed cash with a note that says: "For purchase of XMR on localmonero.co by (your username)." No third party transactions!

  4. Message me the delivery confirmation number if you have one. Tracking is NOT required but is highly recommended for your peace of mind and also so I know when to expect your package.

  5. Once the package arrives I'll either complete the trade and release your XMR or request that you open a new trade to account for price change. Message me BEFORE I receive your cash if you want me to NOT release the XMR immediately in the event the exchange rate moves in your favor. If I don't hear otherwise I'll assume you prefer an immediate release even if the XMR price falls. Both buyer and seller can choose to reset the trade at current XMR listing price upon receipt of cash. Check your messages at least once a day, preferably at 6pm or later US Eastern Time. You should assume that I can't complete the transaction without your active participation.

Floating rates save you money if the price falls, and saves me money if the price rises. Be cautious of sellers that offer floating rates only if the price moves in their favor.


  • Include a note that reads "For purchase of XMR on localmonero.co by (your username)."
  • Send by USPS only (the Post Office). A tracking number is strongly recommended but not required. If you get one please message it to me so I know when to expect your package.
  • No NY or WA residents. If you have a NY or WA postmark or return address I'll mail back your cash at your expense.
  • You agree the trade is unrelated to illegal activity. If I think you might be breaking the law or I think you're buying for someone else I'll request localmonero.co support to cancel the trade and once they do I'll return your cash less my cost of return postage.
  • I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN PACKAGES. Please write my address clearly and conceal well. YOU AGREE TO CANCEL YOUR TRADE AND ASSUME ALL LOSSES IF YOUR PACKAGE IS LOST OR STOLEN BEFORE IT'S IN MY HANDS. This has never happened before, but the mail isn't perfect and the risk of the Post Office losing your package is yours alone.


  • 阅读交易广告及其中的条款。
  • 如果现场做现金交易,请提议一个见面的地点以及时间。
  • 当心骗子!检查该用户收到的评价,并对新近创建的账户多加留意。
  • 请注意,四舍五入和价格的波动可能会影响最终成交的门罗币数额。您输入的固定数额决定最后数额,门罗币金额将在请求发布的同一时间由即时的汇率算出。





