AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes on November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. On November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Šis tirgotājs ir atvaļinājumā vai nav pieejams Monero. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet vēlāk vai meklējiet citus piedāvājumus.

Iegādājieties Monero, izmantojot Skaidra nauda pa pastu ar ASV dolārs (USD)


210.45 USD


Redzēts pirms 2 gadiem

Apmaksas veids:

Tirdzniecības limiti:

300.00 - jebkāda summa USD

Tirdzniecības noteikumi ar SquiintzDealz

Buy Monero (XMR) with cash by mail. No third party payments accepted.

Package the cash discreetly by wrapping it in multiple layers of envelopes and tape. I recommend packing the cash tightly like a book, wrapping it in multiple taped envelopes, and then enclosing it in a mylar bag. This make it difficult for workers and scanners to realize the package contains cash and stealing it.

Please enclose a note in the package that states, "I am username buying Monero from SquiintzDealz on".

Please no small bills (no $1, $5 or $10), no marked, torn, stapled, or otherwise damaged or defaced bills. I run all bills through counterfeit detection. US Dollars only, no foreign currency, coins, checks or money orders accepted.

Please make sure your package has a valid return address in case of any carrier issues. I will provide my shipping address when you open a new trade.

You may use USPS Priority Mail or USPS Priority Express Mail. Do not use First Class Mail, UPS, or FedEx as these methods are less secure for cash shipments. During post office business hours, a tracking number must be provided and the package must be dropped off with the carrier by the close of business for the trade to be accepted, otherwise it may be canceled. If you start a trade outside of post office business hours, please indicate in trade chat that you will be able to send the package within the next business day. You may require signature on delivery if you wish, but it is not required.

Once I receive the package, I will record a video of myself opening the package, running the bills through a counterfeit scanner, and counting the bills. Once the amount is verified I will release the coins to you immediately and destroy all packaging and personal information. I make every effort to finalize transactions as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, I cannot assume any responsibility for lost or stolen packages.

Ziņo par šo sludinājumu, atverot biļeti
Šo darījumu aizsargā šķīrējtiesas obligācija


  • Izlasiet sludinājumu un pārbaudiet noteikumus.
  • Piedāvājiet tikšanās vietu un kontaktēšanās laiku, ja tiek tirgota fiziska nauda.
  • Uzmanieties no krāpniekiem! Pārbaudiet atsauksmes par profilu un rīkojieties īpaši piesardzīgi ar nesen izveidotajiem kontiem.
  • Ņemiet vērā, ka noapaļošana un cenu svārstības var mainīt galīgo Monero summu. Summa Monero tiek aprēķināta, pamatojoties uz jūsu ievadīto tirdzniecības valūtas summu.

Saraksti ar šo sludinājumu

Vai neatradāt meklēto piedāvājumu? Šajos AgoraDesk sarakstos ir vairāk Monero tirdzniecības piedāvājumu, kas ir līdzīgi šim:

Pirkt Monero par USD

Pirkt Monero ar Amerikas Savienotās Valstis

Pirkt Monero ar Skaidra nauda pa pastu

Pirkt Monero Amerikas Savienotās Valstis ar Skaidra nauda pa pastu