AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes after November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Questo trader è in vacanza o probabilmente offline da Monero. Si prega di riprovare più tardi o cercare altre offerte.

Compra Monero usando Contanti per posta: USPS con dollaro statunitense (USD)


222.12 USD


Ingresso mese scorso

Metodi di pagamento:

Limite di scambio:

200.00 - 7000.00 USD

Condizioni di scambio con abitofcoin

Open a trade if you are ready to ship. Price is locked when trade is opened—no free options trades; you're committing to buy at the listed price.

Cash by mail. USPS. Please include note inside "I am [username] buying Monero on" Can be reached at 8323748467 Telegram/Whatsapp/text if any questions. Please use a valid return address. ID required for trades for $3,000 or more. You, the buyer, are fully responsible for lost, stolen, seized, or tampered with mail and agree to take the loss if this happens.

I videotape the opening of all packages. My counter detects counterfeits.

Please tape the package closed. Never send an envelope with a cash-sized lump and always have at least two layers (the outside box or envelope and then another layer inside). I like to spread the money out flat in the middle of a stack of paper, put the stack in a manila envelope, and then in the Priority envelope. Just seems like some worthless papers. If you need more packaging advice please ask.

My post office is closed Saturdays. Packages are not delivered on Saturdays even if tracking says it was delivered on Saturday (it's a bug with tracking) - usually it gets delivered Monday or Tuesday. Please note that I pick up packages 2-3 times a week, ideally timed when I have incoming packages, but there can be a short delay before I can confirm sometimes. Trades from New York not accepted. No third-party trades - you send the money and the coins go to your XMR address. Customers over 60 years old $500/mo purchase limit. UPS and Fedex address available by request (do not send UPS or Fedex to the PO box). No free options trades, price you opened at is the price you get, you can't cancel and reopen the trade if the price goes down or open speculative trades and wait to see if the price moves. If the package does not arrive within 45 days the the trade must be canceled.

Segnala questo annuncio aprendo un ticket
Questo commercio è protetto da una garanzia di arbitrato


  • Leggi l'annuncio e controlla i termini.
  • Proporre un luogo di incontro e un orario di contatto, se si scambia denaro fisico.
  • Attenzione alle truffe! Controlla il feedback del profilo e presta molta attenzione agli account creati di recente.
  • L'arrotondamento e le fluttuazioni dei prezzi potrebbero modificare l'importo finale di Monero. L'importo Monero è calcolato in base all'importo della valuta commerciale che hai inserito.

Annunci con questo annuncio

Non hai trovato l'offerta che cercavi? Queste inserzioni AgoraDesk hanno più offerte commerciali Monero simili a questa:

Acquista Monero per USD

Acquista Monero in Stati Uniti d'America

Acquista Monero con Contanti per posta

Acquista Monero in Stati Uniti d'America con Contanti per posta