Denne forhandler er på ferie eller ude af tilgængelig Bitcoin. Kom venligst tilbage senere eller se efter andre tilbud.

Køb Bitcoin bruging Cash App (Square Cash) med amerikansk dollar (USD)


76570.80 USD


Set for 3 år siden



100.00 - ethvert beløb USD


Hvor meget ønsker du at købe?

Bemærk, at det faktiske BTC-handelsbeløb kan afvige en smule fra det aktuelt viste beløb på grund af pris- og valutakursudsving.

Netværkstransaktionsgebyrer forbundet med at afvikle handlen vil blive trukket fra handelsbeløbet, hvilket betyder, at du vil modtage lidt mindre end det viste beløb.

  • Din e-mail skal bekræftes for at åbne en handel med denne annonce
  • Du skal lave en handel for mindst 100.00 USD med denne annonce.

Vilkår af handel med BuyCoinFast


Your bank account and card must be linked to your account and fully verified

1. Provide your bank details which are linked to your account you will be transferring funds from.

  • Full Name
  • Routing Number
  • Account Number
  • Your mobile number
  • Your $tag
  • Your address account ownership confirmation:

  • Put your card on a table.
  • Cover your 16 digits card's number with a paper note with written text on it - My LocalMonero Username is "Your username"
  • take a video of your card and send it via telegram

3. It is mandatory for you to have a Telegram messenger installed on your smartphone

  • Go to your google or apple apps store and search for 'Plus telegram messenger"
  • register with your mobile number and reply me via chat
  • contact me via telegram and provide your username and Full Name

3. In order to protect ourself from the fraudulent activity the video of the payment confirmation from your mobile app along with your selfie video and live location will be requested.

4. Coins will be released only after your payment is confirmed, it will take 1 to 3 business days for the payment to clear. You will have 60 min window to initiate payment. Trade will be canceled if you don't mark it as paid in 60 min windows. You'll have to open a new one, even if you've paid but didn't mark it as paid.

5. We may ask you to pay using different banks or payment providers on our choice. Banks or Payment providers may charge you extra fees for their serviсes. You have to add this fees on the top of the amount of the trade you've opened with us(example: You opened trade for 1000 and payment provider charges 5, than u have to send 1005)

PS: i have a right to request id, address and live location(must be shared via telegram only) verification if necessary for my protection against fraudulent activity

Refund policy: No refund or trade cancelation under any circumstances

Rate fluctuation terms:

  • If rate goes higher by the day your payment arrives, You must cancel the current trade and create a new trade with the same fiat amount.
  • If rate goes lower the rate stays the same, You must not create a new trade.
Rapport dette annonce ved åbning en billet
Denne handel er beskyttet ved en voldgiftsobligationer


  • Læs den annoncer, og tjek den vilkår.
  • Foreslå mødested og kontakttidspunkt, hvis der handles fysiske kontanter.
  • Hold øje med svindlere! Tjek profilens feedback, og vær ekstra forsigtig med nyligt oprettede konti.
  • Bemærk, at afrunding og kursudsving kan ændre det endelige Bitcoin-beløb. Bitcoin-beløbet beregnes ud fra det handelsvalutabeløb, du har indtastet.

Opslag med denne annonce

Fandt du ikke det tilbud, du ledte efter? Disse AgoraDesk-lister har flere Bitcoin-handelstilbud, der ligner dette:

Køb Bitcoin for USD

Køb Bitcoin i USA

Køb Bitcoin med Cash App (Square Cash)

Køb Bitcoin i USA med Cash App (Square Cash)