AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
Ce trader est en vacances ou n'a plus de Bitcoin disponible. Veuillez revenir plus tard ou rechercher d'autres offres.
Acheter du Bitcoin en utilisant Osko (PayID): Most trusted trader in Oz. Privacy advocate. Quick turnaround 🏃 contre des dollar australien (AUD)
155700.27 AUD
Mode de paiement:
Limites d'échange:
Conditions d'échange avec tlbig
I really hate it but for osko and payid I need to get ID. I'm a big privacy advocate and believe how you spend your money is nobody's business but unfortunately some arsehole paid me from a hacked account and caused all kinds of headaches. Under no circumstance will I share your info with anyone unless the transaction is flagged as fraud.
Sending account name needs to match ID. If it doesn't I'll have to reverse the transaction. I need to know that it's your account you're paying from
Can you please take photos of and upload:
1- a selfie holding a handwritten note saying "buying crypto from tlbig" 2- your ID (licence, photo card, or passport) on the same handwritten note
Photos uploaded will be watermarked by localmonero/agoradesk and is automatically deleted after 180 days. I'm also happy to do this via video call if you're concerned about leaving ID information on the server for 6 months
Please put the last 6 characters/digits of the trade ID as the transfer description
Cet échange est protégé par un caution d'arbitrage
- Lire l'annonce et vérifier les conditions.
- Proposez un lieu et une heure de rendez-vous, si de l'argent physique est échangé.
- Attention aux fraudeurs ! Vérifiez les commentaires du profil et redoublez de prudence avec les comptes récemment créés.
- Notez que les arrondis et les fluctuations de prix peuvent modifier le montant final de Bitcoin. Le montant de Bitcoin est calculé en fonction du montant de la devise commerciale que vous avez saisi.
Listes contenant cette annonce
Vous n'avez pas trouvé l'offre que vous cherchiez ? Ces annonces AgoraDesk contiennent des conditions similaires d'échange de Bitcoin :
Acheter du Bitcoin en Australie