AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
Tento obchodník je na dovolenke alebo nedostupný Bitcoin. Skúste to neskôr alebo vyhľadajte iné ponuky.
Kúpte Bitcoin pomocou Hotovosť poštou: Cash by mail Trusted s britská libra (GBP)
72160.93 GBP
Spôsob platby:
Obchodné limity:
Obchodné podmienky s Chicks
Include a note in the package "For Monero on Between Chicks and & Your user Name" or print out the trade once open.
NO 3rd Parties. Include a return address Matching your real name. one name and initial is ok. Print your shipping/address labels, if you can**
Larger amounts use Priority Express. small amounts, anything with tracking. Copy/Paste a tracking number before you mark paid. picture of the package is nice too
Use Large Bills try to limit the amount of small bills No $1s
You may request Starting price or Release Price but you must decide at the start of the trade.
Package the cash securely and discretely to avoid loss or theft while it is in transit.
An envelope with some printer paper wrapped around the cash works. then place that envelope into a Priority Express, or Bubble mailer envelope.
DO NOT: Send more than 10 bills in a standard envelope Fold the cash - this makes the letter too thick and easier to identify Use excessive tape or packaging material
Business Phone/whatsapp: +1 587-707-7020 Telegram: Email:
**Join our discord server for a faster response and a more personable experience
Tento obchod je chránený arbitrážny dlhopis
- Prečítajte si inzerát a skontrolujte podmienky.
- Navrhnite miesto stretnutia a kontaktný čas, ak sa obchoduje s fyzickou hotovosťou.
- Pozor na podvodníkov! Skontrolujte spätnú väzbu k profilu a pri nedávno vytvorených účtoch buďte obzvlášť opatrní.
- Upozorňujeme, že zaokrúhľovanie a kolísanie cien môže zmeniť konečnú sumu Bitcoin. Suma Bitcoin sa vypočíta na základe sumy obchodnej meny, ktorú ste zadali.
Záznamy s touto reklamou
Nenašli ste ponuku, ktorú ste hľadali? Tieto zoznamy AgoraDesk majú viac Bitcoin obchodných ponúk podobných tejto:
Kúpiť Bitcoin v Spojené kráľovstvo