AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
Tento obchodník je na dovolenke alebo nedostupný Bitcoin. Skúste to neskôr alebo vyhľadajte iné ponuky.
Kúpte Bitcoin pomocou Hotovosť poštou: No ID - Cash by Mail - USPS s americký dolár (USD)
89870.55 USD
Spôsob platby:
Obchodné limity:
Obchodné podmienky s FungibleFreedom
- We Provide Delivery Address
- YOU create USPS Express or Priority Label within 60 mins
- YOU post tracking number within 60 mins
- YOU provide a picture of Written/Typed Note (see below)* and place note inside package
- WE video record opening, count, verification of cash upon delivery
- WE release BTC same-day as delivery Mon-Fri
- Leave feedback and happy trading!
Write or Type a note that says: "I [username] am buying BTC from fungiblefreedom on Agoradesk. The USD funds were not obtained unlawfully and the BTC will not be used unlawfully. [Month], [Day], [Year]"
YOU take full responsibility for mail in-transit. If package is lost, marked undeliverable, returned to sender, or stolen you take full responsibility and will let Agora Moderators return BTC to us within 24 hours
YOU agree to send the full amount of cash subject to count/verification by counterfeit detectors. YOU acknowledge the BTC will not be released in full unless the full amount of lawful USD cash is delivered.
YOU agree to send the USPS package on the same-day as the trade is mark paid before USPS cut off times (typically 5pm EST).
Tento obchod je chránený arbitrážny dlhopis
- Prečítajte si inzerát a skontrolujte podmienky.
- Navrhnite miesto stretnutia a kontaktný čas, ak sa obchoduje s fyzickou hotovosťou.
- Pozor na podvodníkov! Skontrolujte spätnú väzbu k profilu a pri nedávno vytvorených účtoch buďte obzvlášť opatrní.
- Upozorňujeme, že zaokrúhľovanie a kolísanie cien môže zmeniť konečnú sumu Bitcoin. Suma Bitcoin sa vypočíta na základe sumy obchodnej meny, ktorú ste zadali.
Záznamy s touto reklamou
Nenašli ste ponuku, ktorú ste hľadali? Tieto zoznamy AgoraDesk majú viac Bitcoin obchodných ponúk podobných tejto: