AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes after November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Ganacsadahani waxa uu ku jiraa fasax ama waxa uu maqan yahay Bitcoin. Fadlan dib u eeg hadhow ama raadi dalabyo kale.

Iibso Bitcoin adoo isticmaalaya Lacag caddaan ah boostada: Cash by mail USPS oo wata Doolarka Mareeykanka (USD)

Xayeysiiskani hadda ma shaqeeyo Fadlan raadi dalabyo kale ama soo noqo mar dambe.


89006.08 USD


La arkay Bishii la soo dhaafay

habka lacag bixinta:

Xadka ganacsiga:

200.00 - 5000.00 USD


Shuruudaha ganacsiga ee abitofcoin

Open a trade if you are ready to ship. Price is locked when trade is opened—no free options trades; you're committing to buy at the listed price.

Cash by mail. USPS. Please include note inside stating "I am [username] buying bitcoins on" Can be reached at 8323748467 Telegram/Whatsapp/text if any questions. Valid return address required. ID required for trades $3K and above. You, the buyer, are fully responsible for lost, stolen, seized, or tampered with mail and agree to take the loss if this happens. No New York. No third-party transactions. Customers over 55 years old $500/mo limit.

I videotape the opening of all packages. My counter detects counterfeits.

Please TAPE THE PACKAGE closed. Never send an envelope with a cash-sized lump and always have at least two layers (the outside box or envelope and then another layer inside). I like to spread the money out flat in the middle of a stack of paper, put the stack in a manila envelope, and then in the Priority envelope. Just seems like some worthless papers. The harder the money is to access the better and vacuum sealing and/or mylar is useful if you have the tools. If you need more packaging advice please ask.

My post office is closed Saturday. If tracking shows it was delivered on a Saturday it hasn't actually been delivered yet and usually arrives Monday evening or Tuesday. I can accept UPS and FedEx, but I have a different address for them so please ask first. If a package isn't delivered within 45 days of mailing the trade must be canceled.

Ka warbixi xayaysiiskan adigoo furaya tigidh
Ganacsigan waxaa ilaaliya dammaanad garqaadid


  • Akhri xayeysiiska, oo hubi shuruudaha.
  • Soo jeedi goobta kulanka iyo wakhtiga xidhiidhka, haddii lacag caddaan ah la kala iibsado.
  • Iska ilaali kuwa wax khiyaanada sameeya! Hubi ra'yi-celinta profile-ka, oo ka taxaddar xisaabaadka dhawaan la sameeyay.
  • Ogsoonow in wareega iyo isbedbedelka qiimaha ay bedeli karaan qaddarka Bitcoin ugu dambeeya. Qadarka Bitcoin waxa lagu xisaabiyaa iyadoo lagu salaynayo lacagta ganacsiga ee aad gashay.

Liiska xayaysiiskan

Miyaadan helin heshiiskii aad raadinaysay? Liisaskan AgoraDesk waxay leeyihiin heshiisyo ganacsi oo badan Bitcoin oo la mid ah kan:

Ku iibso Bitcoin USD

Ku iibso Bitcoin gudaha Maraykanka

Ku iibso Bitcoin Lacag caddaan ah boostada

Ku iibso Bitcoin gudaha Maraykanka oo wata Lacag caddaan ah boostada