AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes after November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Ganacsadahani waxa uu ku jiraa fasax ama waxa uu maqan yahay Bitcoin. Fadlan dib u eeg hadhow ama raadi dalabyo kale.

Iibso Bitcoin adoo isticmaalaya Lacag caddaan ah oo ATM ah: add TG @XeroManceR for future trade Buy/Sell Crypto/ Fiat oo wata Doolarka Astaraaliya (AUD)


150920.00 AUD


La arkay -8 d

habka lacag bixinta:

Xadka ganacsiga:

100.00 - 500.00 AUD

Shuruudaha ganacsiga ee XeroManceR

  1. Initiation:

· Customers must specify the bank they are using and inquire about service provider availability. · Service provider will confirm availability and agree upon transaction terms.

  1. Transaction Process: · Customers must not drop off the cardless cash code without confirmation from the service provider. · Service provider is not liable for any loss if the code is provided without confirmation.

  2. ATM Access: · Customers must wait for the service provider to access the ATM.

  3. Arrival Notification: · Service provider will notify the customer upon arrival at the ATM location.

  4. Code Submission: · Customers must send the cardless cash code to the service provider.

  5. Recording: · Service provider reserves the right to use multiple cameras to film during code exchange and cash withdrawal for security purposes.

  6. Service Release: · Upon successful cash withdrawal, the service provider will promptly release the cryptocurrency to the customer.

Ka warbixi xayaysiiskan adigoo furaya tigidh
Ganacsigan waxaa ilaaliya dammaanad garqaadid


  • Akhri xayeysiiska, oo hubi shuruudaha.
  • Soo jeedi goobta kulanka iyo wakhtiga xidhiidhka, haddii lacag caddaan ah la kala iibsado.
  • Iska ilaali kuwa wax khiyaanada sameeya! Hubi ra'yi-celinta profile-ka, oo ka taxaddar xisaabaadka dhawaan la sameeyay.
  • Ogsoonow in wareega iyo isbedbedelka qiimaha ay bedeli karaan qaddarka Bitcoin ugu dambeeya. Qadarka Bitcoin waxa lagu xisaabiyaa iyadoo lagu salaynayo lacagta ganacsiga ee aad gashay.

Liiska xayaysiiskan

Miyaadan helin heshiiskii aad raadinaysay? Liisaskan AgoraDesk waxay leeyihiin heshiisyo ganacsi oo badan Bitcoin oo la mid ah kan:

Ku iibso Bitcoin AUD

Ku iibso Bitcoin gudaha Awstaraaliya

Ku iibso Bitcoin Lacag caddaan ah oo ATM ah

Ku iibso Bitcoin gudaha Awstaraaliya oo wata Lacag caddaan ah oo ATM ah