AgoraDesk will be winding down
- Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
- On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
- After November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.
Kjøp Bitcoin med Apple Pay: ✅✅⚠️⚠️Best USA Trader ⚠️⚠️✅✅ med amerikanske dollar (USD)
115430.40 USD
Handelsbetingelser med anacardoso77
I need a selfie with your ID and bank card (need appear your name-hide numbers). Please write in a paper and take selfie "Payment of U$ for digital services and this transfer is not refundable”. Write also your phone number in the note. The owner of the bank account and the owner of this account must be the same person. By doing this transaction you confirm that the digital services purchased from me are not to be used for illegal purposes and the funds I am receiving from you are not to be gained from illegal activity. The payment made from you is non-refundable. BTCs are released just in time when your payment is in my account SCAMMER ALERT! We transfer funds out of the account BEFORE we release the bitcoins, so don’t even bother trying to reverse the deposit.
Denne handelen er beskyttet av en voldgiftsbinding
- Les annonsen og sjekk vilkårene.
- Foreslå møtested og kontakttidspunkt dersom det omsettes fysiske kontanter.
- Se etter svindlere! Sjekk tilbakemeldinger på profilen, og vær ekstra forsiktig med nylig opprettede kontoer.
- Vær oppmerksom på at avrunding og prissvingninger kan endre det endelige Bitcoin beløpet. Bitcoin-beløpet beregnes basert på valutabeløpet du har angitt.
Oppføringer med denne annonsen
Fant du ikke handelen du lette etter? Disse AgoraDesk-oppføringene har flere Bitcoin-handelstilbud som ligner på denne: