AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes on November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. On November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Sayar da Monero ta amfani da Kuɗi ta hanyar wasiƙa tare da Yuro (EUR)


124.07 EUR

Mai amfani:

An gani -3 d

Hanyar biyan kuɗi:

Iyakokin ciniki:

Har zuwa kowane adadin EUR


Tagan biyan kuɗi:

90 mintuna

Sharuɗɗan ciniki tare da postman

De l'argent pour votre XMR ✉️💶📯

  • l'argent sera envoyé dès que possible dans les 24 heures avec numéro de suivi (ou sans si vous le souhaitez)⚡
  • il n'y a Pas de frais de port supplémentaires, comme avec d'autres partenaires commerciaux ! ❌
  • Je garantis un meilleur emballage 🥇
  • expédition en tant que lettre postale ✉️, colis DHL ou UPS 📦
  • Express shipping est également disponible, s'il vous plaît me demander 🔥 📨⚡
  • anonymat garanti 🕶, NO KYC et une stricte NO LOG POLICY 🚫
  • communication via PGP si désiré, la clé publique peut être trouvée sur mon profil Monero local🔒✅️.
  • Avez-vous encore questions
    Contact personnel 🙋‍♂️ via
    Telegram: click here
    Session: 05e658e4879c0b3e106cd7b7e50a170845e371bf3c945ed2bb1c5226b3baa62f56

Cash for your XMR ✉️💶📯

  • the money will be sent as soon as possible within 24 hours with tracking number (or without if you wish)⚡
  • there are NO additional shipping costs, as with other trading partners! ❌
  • I guarantee a best-in-class packaging 🥇
  • shipping as a post letter ✉️, DHL or UPS parcel 📦
  • Express shipping is also available, please ask me 🔥 📨⚡
  • anonymity guaranteed 🕶, NO KYC and a strict NO LOG POLICY 🚫
  • communication via PGP if desired, the public key can be found on my Local Monero profile🔒✅️
  • Do you still have questions
    Personal contact 🙋‍♂️ via
    Telegram: click here or
    Session: 05e658e4879c0b3e106cd7b7e50a170845e371bf3c945ed2bb1c5226b3baa62f56

Bayar da rahoton wannan talla ta buɗe tikitin
An kiyaye wannan ciniki ta hanyar sulhu bond

Kudin hidima

  • Karanta tallan, kuma duba sharuɗɗan.
  • Ba da shawarar wurin taro da lokacin tuntuɓar, idan ana cinikin kuɗi na zahiri.
  • Ku kalli masu zamba! Bincika bayanin bayanin martaba, kuma a yi taka tsantsan tare da asusun da aka ƙirƙira kwanan nan.
  • Lura cewa zagaye da canjin farashi na iya canza adadin Monero na ƙarshe. Ana ƙididdige adadin Monero bisa adadin kuɗin cinikin da kuka shigar.

Jerin da wannan tallan

Ba ku sami yarjejeniyar da kuke nema ba? Waɗannan jerin AgoraDesk suna da ƙarin ciniki na Monero kama da wannan:

Sayar da Monero don EUR

Sayar da Monero a cikin Faransa

Sayar da Monero tare da Kuɗi ta hanyar wasiƙa

Sayar da Monero a cikin Faransa tare da Kuɗi ta hanyar wasiƙa