AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes on November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. On November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Šis tirgotājs ir atvaļinājumā vai nav pieejams Monero. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet vēlāk vai meklējiet citus piedāvājumus.

Iegādājieties Monero, izmantojot Revolut: šŸ’ŽFASTEST AND CHEAPEST, NO ID/KYC, REVTAG TO REVTAGšŸ’Ž ar ASV dolārs (USD)

Å Ä« reklāma paÅ”laik nav aktÄ«va. LÅ«dzu, meklējiet citus piedāvājumus vai atgriezieties vēlāk.


173.31 USD


Redzēts pirms 4 dienām

Apmaksas veids:

Tirdzniecības limiti:

40.00 - jebkāda summa USD

AtraŔanās vieta:

Tirdzniecības noteikumi ar XmrDotTrade

šŸ’Ž FASTEST and CHEAPEST Revolut trader šŸ’Ž

Below are my terms for trading with me, usually there is little fuss. However, recently, there are a lot of bad actors. Just know that any scam method you have will absolutely not work on me. I've been in the P2P trading business for far too long, tens of thousands of trades with not a single dollar dropped to methods even more devious than anything you could try on me. So let's make this easy for each other!

By opening my trade, you are agreeing to the following terms:

  • I only accept payments from @revtag to @revtag
  • Do not top up your account with card/bank - I will refund instantly and dispute the trade
  • If there is even the smallest mismatch in details, I will refund; You may only send money from your own personal account
  • I may decide to cancel the trade anytime in case I see anything sketchy
  • I may ask you for additional information, like proof of balance, screen recording of the transaction, and the like

DISCLAIMER: If this ad is NOT visible from the home page, that means I am OFFLINE, when I am available the trade will be completed. All funds are held on AgoraDesk in escrow, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to scam you.

For support/business purposes, please contact me on Discord: @Lmitate

Ziņo par Å”o sludinājumu, atverot biļeti
Å o darÄ«jumu aizsargā Ŕķīrējtiesas obligācija


  • Izlasiet sludinājumu un pārbaudiet noteikumus.
  • Piedāvājiet tikÅ”anās vietu un kontaktÄ“Å”anās laiku, ja tiek tirgota fiziska nauda.
  • Uzmanieties no krāpniekiem! Pārbaudiet atsauksmes par profilu un rÄ«kojieties Ä«paÅ”i piesardzÄ«gi ar nesen izveidotajiem kontiem.
  • Ņemiet vērā, ka noapaļoÅ”ana un cenu svārstÄ«bas var mainÄ«t galÄ«go Monero summu. Summa Monero tiek aprēķināta, pamatojoties uz jÅ«su ievadÄ«to tirdzniecÄ«bas valÅ«tas summu.

Saraksti ar Ŕo sludinājumu

Vai neatradāt meklēto piedāvājumu? Å ajos AgoraDesk sarakstos ir vairāk Monero tirdzniecÄ«bas piedāvājumu, kas ir lÄ«dzÄ«gi Å”im:

Pirkt Monero par USD

Pirkt Monero ar Amerikas Savienotās Valstis

Pirkt Monero ar Revolut

Pirkt Monero Amerikas Savienotās Valstis ar Revolut