AgoraDesk will be winding down

The winding down process begins May 7th, 2024, and finishes on November 7th, 2024. Our support staff will be available for help throughout this period.
  1. Effective immediately, all new signups and ad postings are disabled;
  2. On May 14th, 2024, new trades will be disabled as well;
  3. On November 7th, 2024, the website will be taken down. Please reclaim any funds from your arbitration bond wallet prior to that date, otherwise the funds may be considered abandoned/forfeited.

Denne forhandler er på ferie eller ude af tilgængelig Bitcoin. Kom venligst tilbage senere eller se efter andre tilbud.

Køb Bitcoin bruging Zelle: Buy BTC from BTC Maximalist, NON-KYC, Experienced & Trusted med amerikansk dollar (USD)


73284.42 USD


Set for 9 måneder siden



100.00 - 1000.00 USD


Vilkår af handel med brosefstalin08

If you are a first time buyer with no reviews & no previous transactions, I will ask for your first & last name, plus your Zelle username (email or phone number.) I will check if your Zelle username matches your name when I add you as a Zelle contact. I will then proceed to email or text the username to confirm they are the rightful owner of the Zelle account, and are intending to do business. This is for smaller purchases.

For larger purchases, I reserve the right to ask for an ID with a "Selfie" and a note, to confirm you are the correct Zelle owner. I do all this to avoid chargebacks. Fiat USD Zelle payments are reversible in the case of fraud. Bitcoin, cannot be reversed.

If you are uncomfortable with the "best practices" as I've described them above, please do not accept the contract. If you've gotten this far and just now realized this is the (small) price of doing business, please cancel the contract now.

If you know of a good method to show this info to me privately (such as I actually welcome that. I don't want to keep any of your private information, simply to view it & verify it.

Thank you.

Rapport dette annonce ved åbning en billet
Denne handel er beskyttet ved en voldgiftsobligationer


  • Læs den annoncer, og tjek den vilkår.
  • Foreslå mødested og kontakttidspunkt, hvis der handles fysiske kontanter.
  • Hold øje med svindlere! Tjek profilens feedback, og vær ekstra forsigtig med nyligt oprettede konti.
  • Bemærk, at afrunding og kursudsving kan ændre det endelige Bitcoin-beløb. Bitcoin-beløbet beregnes ud fra det handelsvalutabeløb, du har indtastet.

Opslag med denne annonce

Fandt du ikke det tilbud, du ledte efter? Disse AgoraDesk-lister har flere Bitcoin-handelstilbud, der ligner dette:

Køb Bitcoin for USD

Køb Bitcoin i USA

Køb Bitcoin med Zelle

Køb Bitcoin i USA med Zelle